Family Fictions

Opening 13/09/2019 7pm

14/09/2019 – 8/12/2019Extra City

Group exhibition curated by Laura Herman and Charlotte Van Buylaere

Participating artists åyr, Lucy Beech, Gluklya, Kalup Linzy, Valérie Mannaerts, Sophie Nys, Alice Wong & Aryan Javaherian

Almost half of Western families consist of just one person. And the remaining families are becoming ever more heterogeneous. In today’s cities we must often rely on ourselves and the spontaneous connections we initiate with others. Family, which was once viewed as the cornerstone of society and as being vital to our identity, is increasingly becoming a product of our own imagination.

The group exhibition ‘Family Fictions’ looks at how media, architecture and technology influence our vision of these social groupings, from the temporary to the more enduring. Does the term ‘family’ still suffice to describe our contemporary forms of relationships in all their complexity and dynamism?

Location : Kunsthal Extra City – Antwerpen-Berchem, Eikelstraat 25-31, 2600 Antwerpen

Valérie Mannaerts M.M. 2019
Valérie Mannaerts M.M. 2019

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