Structural Struggle

Our annual bachelor graduation show is taking place at “De Blikfabriek”. Eighteen young and talented artists will present their work in an unusual setting. The group show will also be a platform for lectures, discussions and a music performance.

01/09/2020 – 06/09/2020Blikfabriek

3de jaars studenten Sint Lucas

Opening 01.09

Tot 06.09
woensdag/Wednesday – zondag/Sunday 12u – 18u

Krugerstraat 232
2660 Antwerpen

Anna Van Cleynenbreugel
Bo Zwerts
Antje Bots
Gwen De Groote
William Gilis
Aimé Fierens
Joppe Venema
Ellen Gabriels
Lubna Alzoubaydi
Josué Salazaku
Ioa Salden
Jeffrey Desenfans
Inès Van Belle
Rabten Tenzin
Ella Goris
Elton Matias
Locu Ratolo

In samenwerking met/In collaboration with :
De Blikfabriek




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Info days

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